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Guidelines for Authors
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1. Regular and associate members of Academy of Child Health Nursing can submit manuscript so long as the first author or corresponding author is a member of this Academy. Non-members can apply their manuscripts in the following cases:
1) When regular members of this academy join the research as the first or corresponding author
2) When recommendations of the committee of this academy have been made

Contents of Submitted Manuscripts
2. The Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing (JKACHN) is an official journal of this academy and publish only original articles and review articles related to child health nursing, and other current issues in nursing and academically valuable manuscripts can be published according to the decision of the publishing committee.
3. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements of submission are rejected and acceptance of the manuscripts are decided by the committee via review process.

Submission and Publishing Process
4. (Publication) JKACHN is published in 4 issues per year: January 31, April 30, July 31 and October 31.
5. (Submission) Authors should submit to the journal at any time using an online submission system. Access to the homepage of the JKACHN, click to the banner of the online submission system, and read the submission instructions. If you need more information on the use of system, make a call or send an e-mail to editor.

Editor, Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing
Lim, Ji-Young (Tel) 031-725-8320 (fax) 031-725-8329
(e-mail) limjy62@cha.ac.kr


6. (Review process) All manuscripts submitted undergo a double blind peer review by two reviewers. In cases when results of the two reviewers are same, the results are accepted and the publication committee consider them finally. In case when the results of two reviewers are not same, a third reviewer is invited. Of the three reviewers' results, the committee will accept the two most consistent results for the final decision. All review is processed completely anonymous.
7. (Decision of publication) The final decision of publication will be made by publication committee.
8. (Order of publication) The manuscript will be published by order of submission date. As a few months may take from submission, review and publication, authors need to submit their manuscripts considering this period.
9. (Confidentiality) What has been reviewed will be closed to everyone except the authors.
10. (Proofs) Proofs of the manuscripts to be published should be done by authors and all the expenses related to publication of manuscripts (publication fee and reviewing English abstract) should be paid by the corresponding author according to the rules of ACHN.
11. (Certificate of expected publication) For the manuscripts published (to be published), certificates of expected publication may be issued according to the request of corresponding author.
12. (Publication Fee) The publication fee of JKACHN is presented as follows:
ACHN Members: 30,000won/page, more than 11 pages: 40,000won/page, extra charge: 20,000 won for reviewing English abstract
13. (Unilaterality of submission) The manuscripts submitted to JKACHN are not returned.

Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation

14. (General style and format) The manuscript should be written Korean or English. Organize the manuscript in the following order: Cover, English abstract, text, references, tables, and figures. Each of them should placed on a separate page.
1) Cover: Contain the following information:
¨ç Title
¨è Name of Author: names of all the authors, institutional affiliations, positions, name of corresponding author, address, zip-code, phone number, fax number and e-mail address.
¨é The source of financial support should be recoded below the author, if any.
¨ê The number of references(within 30) should be recorded.
¨ë The word counts in English abstract (limit of 200 words) should be recorded.
2) English abstract: Abstract should be less than 200 words, and should arranged in an order of followings:
¨ç Top left: Record not more than five key words that meet contents of manuscript. Use MESH key words
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/ mesh/MBrowser.html when possible.
¨è Title
¨é Name of author
¨ê Text: Abstracts of research papers should adopt the following headings: Purpose, Method, Result, Conclusions without division of passages (should not include numbering and references in abstracts).
¨ë Describe name of corresponding author, institutional affiliations, address, zip-code, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address.
¨ì Describe name of coauthors and positions.
¨í For request of reprint, describe name, institutional affiliation, address(including zip-code), phone number, fax number and e-mail address.
3) Text: The text of article is usually organized with title, introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion (including suggestions).
Introduction: Clearly and briefly state the need of this study and should present the purpose of the study precisely and briefly, and description of only background which is related to purposes.
Methods: Describe the study design, subjects, measurements, data collection, procedures and analysis using subheading.
Results: Describe the main results in a clear and logical paragraph.
Discussion: Discussion should be based only on the reported results and should interpret by comparison with other related data. Do not repetitive the study results.
Conclusion(s): Describe the meaning and limitation of the study, and connects the conclusion with the purpose of the study.
Literature review: The author may include, if necessary.
For qualitative study or review article, organization of the manuscript may differ.
¨ç No identifying details of the authors or their institutions must appear within the main text of the submitted manuscript.
¨è Provide key words (no more than five key words) on the top left of the first page of the text.
¨é Academic terminology should be in accordance with those in a collection of medical terminology (3rd edition) published by the Korean Medical Association and standard nursing terminology published by the Korean Society of Nursing Science
¨ê When abbreviation used, the abbreviated name or expression should be cited in full at first usage, followed by the accepted abbreviation in parentheses.
¨ë For standard abbreviated words and units, refer to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 5th Edition (2001) and APA format Pocket Guide (2007).
¨ì Permission should be obtained from the original authors of research measurements.
4) References: References should be described in English and styled according to the specific guidelines of Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing and the number of references is limited to not more than 30.
5) Tables, figures and photos:
¨ç Tables, figures and photos should marked in English and be placed on a separate sheet. That is, each page should include only one table, figure or photos. Indicate suggested placement of tables or figures in the text.
¨è For qualitative research, when it is judged that it is impossible to deliver meaning of tables or figures in English, they may be described in Korean via discussion of the publishing committee.
¨é Tables, figures and photos must be easy to understand and have independent functions.
¨ê Total number of tables, figures and photos is not more than 5.
¨ë Rules of Table construction
©ç Use single line and no vertical lines are allowed.
©è Titles of tables: Use capital letter for the first letter of important words.
For example: Table 1. Overall Responses (Security to Insecurity) to Question Types
©é Number tables consecutively according to order of quotation.
©ê Explanation of each item should be recorded in footnotes, not in title. Non-standard abbreviations used in tables should be explained using footnotes. Footnotes are typed immediately below the table.
e.g.: HR=Heart rate; T=Temperature.
©ë Symbols should be used for footnotes in the following order: The explanation of the marks such as *, ¢Ó, ¢Ô, ¡×, ¡«, ¢Ò, #, **, ¢Ó¢Ó should be given in lower left of tables and abbreviations used in tables should be explained in lower left as quotation order.
e.g. : * = Survival case; ¢Ó= Dead case;
©ì Describe gender as M/F, age as yr. Mean of age, weight, and height and describe unit size to the first decimal place.
¨ì Rules of figure and photo construction
©ç Use capital letter only for the first letter of figure title.
e.g.: Figure 1. Mean responses to questions by student grade categories.
©è Photo size: bigger than 102¡¿152mm(4¡¿6 inches) and smaller than 203¡¿254mm(8¡¿10 inches).
©é For more than two photos under same numbers, mark alphabet letters after Arabian numbers
e.g.: Fig. 1-A, Fig. 1-B

15. (Format of manuscript) The language of the manuscript should be Korean(.hwp) or English(.doc) on A4 sized paper. The paper should have marginal space as follows: top 30mm, bottom 25mm, left 25mm, and right 25mm; typeface: Sinmyeongjo; font size: 10 point, and line space: 200. The length of manuscript should be no more than 20 pages.
16. (Submission) For submission of the manuscript, access to http://www.childnursing.or.kr. Authors will set up an account through the web-site which will be used to upload files as new submissions. No identifying details of the authors or their institutions must appear within the main text of the submitted manuscript.
17. (Revised submission) When a decision is made according to the results of review, authors should revise and the revision is submitted through the online application system. Describe what is revised or attached files and upload revised manuscript with revision list(refer to review procedure) and fax a copy of copyright transfer agreement to the editor or send it by mail.
* You can download Manuscript Submission Checklist and Copyright Transfer Agreement forms at www.childnursing.or.kr.
* All the authors should sign on the Copyright Transfer Agreement form and record their ID numbers.
18. Submission requirements above should be followed and only the manuscript that follow the submission requirements should be received.

Reference Citations in the Text

Citation of references based on the following examples and otherwise following to the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition (2001) and APA format guide(2007).

19. References should be cited in the text by surname of author(s) followed by year of publication in parentheses. Do not use a footnotes.
1) When a work has one or two authors: always cite author' surname and the year of publication every time the reference occurs in text.

e.g.: Lee and Lim (2004) .............

2) When a work has three, four, and five authors: cite all authors the first time the reference occurs: in subsequent citations, include only the surname of the first author followed by "et al." and the year.
e.g.: Park, Lim, Choi and Jung (1993) .............first citation
In a study by Park et al. (2003)............. subsequent citation
Jones, Smith, and Jane (2002)............. first citation
Jones et al. (2002)............. subsequent citation

Join the names in a multiple-author citation in parenthesis, join the names by an ampersand (&).
e.g.: Social relations (Choi, Kim, & Choi, 2007)....

3) When a work has six or more authors: cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al. and year for the first and subsequent citations.

e.g.: Lim et al. (2007)............. both first and subsequent citations
Smith et al. (2002) ......... both first and subsequent citations

4) List two or more works by different authors who are cited within the same parentheses in alphabetical order by the first author's surname. Separate the citations with semicolons:

e.g.: In a few recent studies (Adams & Smith, 2004; Diers, 2007; Willy, 2008) .............

5) Identify works by the same author with the same publication date by the suffixes a, b, c, and so forth after the year; repeat the year.

e.g.: (Hong, 2002, 2007, 2008a, 2008b), (Brown, 2005, 2007a, 2007b)

6) If a reference list includes publications by two or more first authors with the same surname, include the first author's initials in all text citations, even if the year of publication differs. Initials help the reader to avoid confusion within the text.

e.g.: Emotional stress (Barratt, J., 2004; Barratt, L., 2004)
Premenstrual Syndrome (Kim, H. W., 2006; Kim, J. E., 2006)

Reference List

20. References cited in text must appear in the reference list. References should be written as English according to the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 5th. edition(2001) and APA format guide(2007). The reference list should be typed alphabetically according to the surname of author(s), or if all by the same author, in sequence by year of publication. The list of references is limited a total of 30 references. Italicize the names of journals, books, doctoral dissertation and master's theses, research report, and volume number. Capitalize the first letter of each word of periodicals and only the first letter of the name of book. Manuscript must adhere to the guidelines for the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, unless otherwise indicated the following examples.

1) Periodicals: In an order of the name of all authors(last name), year of publication(in parenthesis), article title, journal title, volume(issue), and starting page through last page. If, and only if, each issue of a journal begins on page 1, give the issue number in parentheses immediately after the volume number. Give the periodical title in abbreviation (Searching for journal title abbreviation in www.nlm.nih.gov ¡æ Journal Title).

website for confirmation of journal abbreviation

2) Books: In an order of author, year of publication, title(edition), the name of city: publisher.
3) Article or chapter in an edited book: In an order of author(year of publication), article or chapter title, book editors, Book title(article or chapter page numbers), City name: publisher.
4) Unpublished master's thesis or doctoral dissertation: In an order of author(year of publication), title, university name, city name.
5) Citation of a work discussed in a secondary source: In text, mane the original work, and give a citation for the secondary source. Give the secondary source in the reference list.
6) Manuscript in progress or submitted for publication but not yet accepted
e.g.: McIntosh, D. N.(1993). Religion as schema with implications for the relation between religion and coping. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Ethical Considerations:

21. When research subjects are human, researchers should explain the purpose of research and mental and physical harm that may occur during research, and specify that written informed consent was obtained based on .
Declaration of Helsinki.
22. When research subjects are animals, researchers should describe treatment that is designed to reduce pain and discomfort of test animals, and specify that the research is not in conflict with rules of the ethics committee of research institute or NIH guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The editor may request submission of written consent and authorization of the ethic committee.
23. Those manuscripts with dishonest or improper acts in research are not published and specifications are decided by the publishing committee.
1) Fabrication: Making, recording and reporting non-existing data or results
2) Falsification: Manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
3) Plagiarism: The appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.

24. Duplicate publication or duplicate submission is prohibited. The manuscripts that are published or under submission can not be submitted for the JKACHN, and manuscripts that have been published in the journal of this academy or that are under consideration for publication can not be submitted to other journals. When duplicate submission is found, other submissions for the JKACHN or journals of members are prohibited for the following two years.

1) Decision criteria of duplicate publication: A part of or entire manuscripts have never been published in other languages, print, electronic media, and academic journals.
2) Secondary publication with different language: An authorization from the editor in chief of the publishing committees of both academic journals is needed.
3) The decision of duplicate publication will be made by publishing committee after reviewing the manuscript.

25. When things that are in conflict with ethical regulations happen, the publishing committee decide what to manage in consideration of relative importance of a matter.


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